It is with great pleasure I have Isobelle Cate in my dungeon this week. She brings us a taste of Love in Her Dreams, Rapture at Midnight and Forever at Midnight! I'll first test her skills and ask a few questions. Then, I'm turning the whip over to her tell us about three of her books. Enjoy--
did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?
I first wanted to become a writer when I
was a teenager (another
lifetime). I loved reading mysteries and love stories
and thought it
would be nice to try my hand at writing but it never took off
drew you to write Non-Fiction and Fiction? Do you
prefer one over the other?
I've written both non-fiction and fiction
but I felt that I had more
leeway or creative license if I wrote fiction. Both
entail a lot of
research – my paranormal stories have a mix of history in them
but with non-fiction, I cannot bend the facts to my liking or there
will be a
lot of academics breathing down my throat! ;)
Of all your characters, who’s your favorite,
and why?
I think right now, my favorite character is
Deanna Logan from Forever at Midnight. Her resilience after what she had to go
through and the sacrifice she was willing to make is something I'd probably
balk under. But she was able to carry on despite the hurt and trauma. That’s something I find admirable.
What about your books? Do you have a favorite?
What about it
do you love?
I think Love in Her Dreams would be a
favorite because it was
what started it all. Also because I’d like to believe
that if you look
hard enough, the man you’re destined to be with is just around
corner. What can I say? I’m a
romantic at heart. J
would you love to write someday but haven’t yet?
A Pulitzer Prize winning novel.
Were books a big part of your life growing up?
If so, what books
would you say influenced you most as a child?
Oh yes, they were. There were no computers
then. I lived in the province and
television shows from the city were a week delayed. The more interesting T.V.
shows started at 6pm during the weekend I had a lot of time to read. I read encyclopedias, the speeches of
American orators like Patrick Henry, Edith Hamilton’s Greek Mythology to name a
few. I loved Greek Mythology. I still
do. I had this book called A Pocket Book of Verse which two of my favourite
poems, The Psalm of Life and The Children’s Hour by Longfellow. This book of
poems and Kahlil Gibran’s The Prophet influenced me the most. They still do.
are two things people might be surprised to know about
I can speak three other
language apart from English and I’ve learned to write in a little known ancient
script which is at least a thousand years old.
When you’re not writing, what do you enjoy
I enjoy reading the works of other authors
I admire, walk in the park nearby, watch telly, do a little window shopping.
Three things always found in your
Cheese, Bacon, Milk
Writing is often a sedentary profession. Is
there anything you
do to beat stress and keep in shape?
I try to fit a bit of yoga
occasionally. I used to swim everyday
but not anymore.
You’re in line at Starbucks. What are you
If it's Spring: It's Chai Latte or the semi-skimmed Latte
If it's Summer: It's Raspberry Blackcurrant Blended Juice
If it's Autumn: It's the Pumpkin Spiced Latte
If it's Winter: It's the Toffee Nut Latte
else you’d like to share?
Thank you, Gray, for having me guest in you
blog. You’re one of the authors I truly admire and follow. Looking forward to reading more of your
books! Love, Isobelle
at Midnight –The Cynn Cruor Bloodline, Book 2
Roarke catches a glimpse of
Deanna in Dac Valerian’s club. He is unable to believe that Deanna is
alive when he buried her himself nearly five hundred years before. He
searches for her in the streets of Manchester just to prove that he hasn’t lost
his mind. But when Deanna turns up on the street facing the Cynn Cruor’s
headquarters, Roarke needs to know why she hid herself from him.
Knowing that her secret can
only destroy whatever feelings Roarke has left for her, Deanna remains silent
until circumstances force her to reveal everything.
Hearts are broken on both sides
but Roarke and Deanna have to work together if they are to find a way of ending
Dac and the Scatha Cruor’s power once and for all. Desire rises and passions
are rekindled.
Will their pursuit of Dac lead to
another chance at happiness?
Or will it forever tear them
Soon, Roarke ended the kiss. Deanna
gloried at the pleasure she felt when gold flecks materialized against his
pupils. She touched the sides of his eyes.
“I missed seeing those,” she whispered
before cupping his face. He turned to kiss her palm. She sighed. “If only for
tonight, make love to me again, Roarke. Make love to me so I can forget.”
She saw emotion flit through his eyes
before it was gone. Her heart was in her throat, afraid he would refuse. Then
his head bent down.
He kissed her again, but this time it
was soft and tender, even while his hand was wreaking havoc with her body. Her
clit throbbed when he rolled her hardened nipples with his thumb and forefinger
before palming her globes lovingly. She closed her eyes, giving in to the
moment, her breath coming out in moans and gasps. Then her mouth opened in a
silent cry, feeling his tongue flick and suck on her breasts again. She lost
all coherent thought, holding on to his shoulders. Lust thundered through her,
lighting her up like a fireball.
Roarke scooped her up and walked
through the French doors and into the warmth of the loft. With her face against
his neck, she inhaled deeply before flicking her tongue and sucking on the
pulse at the base of his throat.
“Where?” he growled, his desire
Mutely, Deanna pointed to the stairs
which led to her bedroom. Instead of using the stairs, Roarke catapulted them
to the open room's landing with one jump.
There wouldn't be any recriminations
tonight. This moment would be for knowing each other's bodies again. To make up
for all the lost time.
Buy Links:
Amazon US

Book blurb:
There is an on-going war between two breeds of immortal warriors who carry human, vampire, and werewolf blood, the Cynn Cruor and the Scatha Cruor. The Cynn Cruor wants to live in harmony with the human race. The Scatha Cruor wants to enslave them. Finn Qualtrough, a Cynn Cruor warrior is on a mission to find Dac Valerian, the leader of the Scatha Cruor responsible for the deaths of many, including his parents. When he pursues three Scatha warriors who can lead him to Dac, he happens upon a woman who awakens a desire within Quinn to claim her as his own.
She is the very essence of his immortal life.
Eirene Spence is an insomniac and a computer genius who loves walking in the park at midnight. She stumbles upon the Scatha Cruor and is almost killed until a handsome stranger rescues her. His touch ignites a hunger inside her that only he can satisfy.
He is her soul.
By some twist of fate, one of Eirene's clients is Dac Valerian. She is able to tell Finn and the rest of the Cynn Cruor where Dac is hiding. Now Dac wants her dead.
Will Finn be able to keep Eirene alive and at the same time fulfill his mission? Will Eirene's wish to be part of Finn's life come true knowing that he is destined for someone else?
Buy links for Rapture at Midnight:
Amazon US
Amazon UK

Blurb Love in her Dreams:
Alec and
Tamsyn know they are meant to be together though they have never met. And yet
their passion for each other consumes them when they dream.
Alec knows that Tamsyn is the woman for him, but
finding her at the moment is an impossibility. Or is it?
After resigning from her job, Tamsyn takes a
break in Scotland when she feels the presence of the man who haunts her dreams.
He is tangibly near and in Edinburgh. The sex they have in her sleeping moments
becomes more real. But how can she find him in the streets of Edinburgh when
the only thing she remembers is his touch, his scent, his passion?
Author bio:
Isobelle Cate is a woman
who wears different masks. Mother-writer, wife-professional,
scholar-novelist. Currently living in Manchester, she has been drawn to
the little known, the secret stories, about the people and the nations:
the English, the Irish, the Scots, the Welsh, and those who are now part
of these nations whatever their origins. Her vision and passion are
fueled by her interest and background in history and paradoxically,
shaped by growing up in a clan steeped in lore, loyalty, and legend.
is intrigued by forces that simmer beneath the surface of these
cultures, the hidden passions, unsaid desires, and yearnings
Thanks again for being my guest this week, Isobelle!
Until next time, stay naughty my pets . . .